A free seminar from Sentara Potomac Hospital
Join Dr. Susan Majlessi, a fellowship-trained ophthalmologist, as she discusses new advances in cataract surgery at this free community seminar.
Cataract is a condition in which the lens of the eye turns cloudy and obstructs the passage of light. Left untreated, cataracts may cause vision problems that interfere with daily activities or blindness.
In the United States, 75 percent of those over the age of 60 show some signs of cataracts as a normal effect of aging. Fortunately, the condition is treatable with surgery. Learn about your surgical options during this informative event.
New Advances in Cataract Surgery
Thursday, December 8, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Westminster at Lake Ridge
12191 Clipper Drive in Lake Ridge
Free. Register online or call 703-221-2500.